.. aiohttp_session documentation master file, created by sphinx-quickstart on Wed Apr 1 21:54:09 2015. You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least contain the root `toctree` directive. aiohttp_session =============== .. currentmodule:: aiohttp_session .. highlight:: python The library provides sessions for :ref:`aiohttp.web`. The current version is |version| Usage ----- The library allows to store user-specific data into session object. The session object has dict-like interface (operations like ``session[key] = value`` or ``value = session[key]`` etc. are supported). Before processing session in web-handler you have to register *session middleware* in :class:`aiohttp.web.Application`. A trivial usage example: .. code-block:: python import time from aiohttp import web from aiohttp_session import get_session, setup from aiohttp_session.cookie_storage import EncryptedCookieStorage async def handler(request): session = await get_session(request) session['last_visit'] = time.time() return web.Response(text='OK') def init(): app = web.Application() setup(app, EncryptedCookieStorage(b'Thirty two length bytes key.')) app.router.add_route('GET', '/', handler) return app web.run_app(init()) All storages uses HTTP Cookie named ``AIOHTTP_COOKIE_SESSION`` for storing data. Available session storages are: * :class:`SimpleCookieStorage` -- keeps session data as plain JSON string in cookie body. Use the storage only for testing purposes, it's very non-secure. * :class:`~aiohttp_session.cookie_storage.EncryptedCookieStorage` -- stores session data into cookies like :class:`SimpleCookieStorage` does but encodes the data via :term:`cryptography` Fernet cipher. For key generation use :meth:`cryptography.fernet.Fernet.generate_key` method. Requires :term:`cryptography` library: .. code-block:: bash $ pip3 install aiohttp_session[secure] * :class:`~aiohttp_session.redis_storage.RedisStorage` -- stores JSON-ed data into *redis*, keeping into cookie only redis key (random UUID). Inside redis the key will be saved as COOKIENAME_VALUEOFTHECOOKIE. For example if inside the browser the cookie is saved with name ``'AIOHTTP_SESSION'`` (default option) and value ``e33b57c7ec6e425eb626610f811ab6ae`` (a random UUID) they key inside redis will be ``AIOHTTP_SESSION_e33b57c7ec6e425eb626610f811ab6ae``. Requires :term:`aioredis` library: .. code-block:: bash $ pip install aiohttp_session[aioredis] * :class:`~aiohttp_session.memcached_storage.MemcachedStorage` -- the same as Redis storage but uses Memcached database. Requires :term:`aiomcache` library: .. code-block:: bash $ pip install aiohttp_session[aiomcache] Installation -------------------- .. code-block:: bash $ pip3 install aiohttp_session Source code ----------- The project is hosted on GitHub_ .. _GitHub: https://github.com/aio-libs/aiohttp_session Please feel free to file an issue on `bug tracker `_ if you have found a bug or have some suggestion for library improvement. The library uses `Travis `_ for Continuous Integration. Dependencies ------------ - :term:`cryptography` for :class:`~aiohttp_session.cookie_storage.EncryptedCookieStorage` - :term:`aioredis` for :class:`~aiohttp_session.redis_storage.RedisStorage` Third party extensions ---------------------- * `aiohttp_session_mongo `_ License ------- ``aiohttp_session`` is offered under the Apache 2 license. Contents: .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 reference glossary Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`